
Monday, April 4, 2011

Can't forget the Eggs.

All right. I never really expected to post this many things related to Easter crafts like this or this, but it's been fun. I have wanted to try Onion Skin dyed eggs for a long time. It's been in my book for years. Pretty sure it was originally from Martha.
You will need old fabric or nylons cut into squares bigger than your egg. I used nylons. Lots of onion skins. I use onion in a lot of my cooking, so it didn't really take long to save some, I just stuck them in a paper bag. Rice and rubber bands. Oh, and eggs. Don't forget the eggs!

Lay the nylon or fabric on your counter.

place about 6 layers of onion skins on that.

Sprinkle with a bit of rice (you could use small leaves instead) 

and top rice with a few more onion skins.
Place egg on top of that.

Doesn't that nestled egg look precious?

Place more onion skins on top of the egg, then carefully wrap the nylon or fabric around your egg 

and secure with rubber bands. You want the onion skins tight against the egg, but, you know, don't smash your egg. :)

Get some water boiling. Gratuitous boiling water photo. :)

Carefully lower the eggs into the water and boil for 20 minutes. Yeah, those are the instructions.

Take them out and let them cool a bit. Unwrap. And to shine them up, you can rub them with a little vegetable oil.

So pretty!

Gabe thinks they look like wood.

The affect from the natural ingredients is amazing.

So, we tasted them because 20 minutes cook time on an egg is a lot. They reminded Matt of "cafeteria" eggs. They were edible, but a definite gray ring around the yolk. I'd recommend using them IN something like egg salad if you are into that sort of thing. I'm not. I'll just make some more to be pretty for Easter and then pawn them off on people. It's how I roll. :)

Linking to:
Somewhat Simple 
Centsational Girl


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