
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Camera One; Camera Two

I finally picked a new camera. You may recall that I dropped my old camera on my much hated ceramic tile kitchen floor. So, what's a blogging girl to do? I couldn't have blog posts without pictures. So, I began using my cell phone.

Really that cell phone camera wasn't too bad, but it couldn't zoom and there was no flash so the lighting had to be perfect. Oh, and it was tiny and light-weight so I had to work really hard to not shake at all. This all equaled less than pretty pictures.

Hello, cell phone (taken with new camera).
I looked and looked. I salivated over DSLRs that all the "big girl" bloggers say are a must. But, alas, my bank account just did not agree with the opinion that I needed a DSLR. I looked at everything, even Craigslist. No luck.

Finally, I decided I just needed a camera that worked. I would settle for a point and shoot, but I wanted 12-14 mega pixels so that I could crop tight or enlarge with good quality. I have taken some amazing pictures with my old point and shoot and truthfully, I want something that takes the family pictures fast and easy. I don't want to waste time with all the settings because I prefer to capture candid shots. (And I'm no professional, I can't change settings quickly.)

So, I wound up with a Sony Cybershot. I'm a little nervous about buying a Sony because I usually stick with well-known-for-making-cameras brands. However, this was 14 megapixels, has the basic settings and was on a wicked good sale. The bank account rejoiced.

New camera (taken with the cell phone).
By the way, I know I could have gotten screen shots from the inter-webs, but this way struck me as funnier, if a bit convoluted, a way to share these devices.

It's been a bit of an adjustment because the camera is so darn tiny, but at least there is a shake reduction thing on it. Yeah, I'm all about technical terms. So the jury is still out on whether or not I like it. Honestly, I still miss my old camera, but Canon doesn't make it anymore. :( I'm sure as I get used to it, I'll like it. At least it's better than the cell phone! The quality is much improved, though it's hard to tell in these two photos.

(P.S. This post is not an endorsement, paid or otherwise, of any of these brands. None of these companies has ever heard of me, nor do they care about my existence. But I don't hold that against them. Just sharing my life, that's all. Peace out. Ten-four, good buddy.) 


  1. I'm interested to know what you think as you use this new camera. I had a Sony Cybershot and it was dropped. I had had it for awhile and I have a DSLR so it wasn't a big deal. We're planning a trip later this year so now I would really like to have something that travels easily and fits in my purse. So, be sure and let me know what you think. :)


  2. When you see Sony on a camera think Minolta. Sony bought the Minolta camera division when they broke up the company.


  3. Karen, I'll keep you posted. So far so good, just having to adjust to things.

    Dad, good to know. It's a bit of a relief. I used to like using your Minolta.

    So far, the picture quality seems very good. I haven't printed anything yet though.

  4. OMJaaay! Im sorry but I just BUSTED OUT LAUGHING!!! So loud I scared my Pooch! LOL LOL LOL!!! The PRECIOUS comment from "Dad"!!! I LOVE IT! My parents do the same thing to me...I will be reading through my comments that are all about the Post I did for that day...THEN comes Mom or Dad..."Kara, the word 'alot' is not one word...its 2, a lot"...OK....thanks mom! LOL! Im SERIOUSLY laughing so hard right now...that just got me so TICKLED! Ohh, PARENTS...gotta Love em! I actually didnt know alot was 2 words...been spelling it wrong my WHOLE LIFE! OOPSIE! OK...what was your post about? OH YEAH! The camera! I NEED a better camera...I will check these out! Tell "Dad" thanks for the info from me:) Too CAAAAUTE!

    BTW, i am FOLLOWING you {and your Dad} HeeHee!

    I would LOVE to have you link up to my PARTY! WHASSUP WEDNESDAY!!

    And I have a party button you can grab and put on your blog so your friends can come too:)




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