
Monday, March 21, 2011

Kid's craft: Tissue paper "stained glass" eggs

So, here's a kid's craft idea that they can really do, unlike the egg bunnies. :) 

So, you need wax paper, a permanent marker, tissue paper cut or torn into small pieces, school glue and a paint brush.

Mix glue (eyeball it, a couple tablespoons if it's just one or two, more if you have the whole Brady Bunch) and water. I just add some and stir until I have a runny consistency. You can go half and half if you want.

Use the marker to draw your shape on the wax paper. Go as big or small as you want. Ideas other than an egg shape: flowers, chicks, bunnies. Then FLIP IT OVER! You want the marker on the back, if it is painted with the glue/water it will run.

Use the brush to paint the glue/water inside your shape and start putting on the tissue paper. You can be meticulous, or random. I was working with a three year old, so we went random.
Let your pieces overlap the edge of your shape. 

When it's all filled in, dab over the whole thing with the glue mix. This will make sure all is glued down and sealed in. 

Now, there's nothing left to do but wait, wait, wait.

Once it's dry, grab a pair of scissors and trim out your shape.

Supposedly, you can now peel off the wax paper. Your tissue paper would totally stick together, but I found that my tissue paper was firmly glued to the wax paper. It really doesn't matter much. When you put it in the window, the light still shines through.

Even on a dreary day. (But, hey, no snow so I'll take it!) 

Linking to these great parties:
Blue Cricket Design



  1. Awesome! It looks really cute! I'll have to stock up on tissue paper!

  2. Oooh, gotta do this w/ my three year old. She will love it. You'll have to look at my post. I bet you and yours will like it too.

  3. This is too cute and simple enough. I remember something similar to this when my boys were young. He must be so proud of his beautiful creation:)
    Thank you so much for visiting with me and your nice comment.

  4. Thank you SO MUCH for linking up to WHASSUP WEDNESDAY!!! He is ADRABLE!

    Hope to see you next Wednesday!


  5. Cool stuff you have got and you keep update all of us. tissue paper machine


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