
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vintage Revivals

I went back and forth about what blog to share with you all first. My browser is full of bookmarks of various design and DIY blogs, isn't everyone's? No? Just me? Moving on.
After we moved in and did the initial painting, had car issues and therefore used up a chunk of our house budget on unexpected non-house projects, I was feeling kind of blue about the house. I did not have money to do the things I really wanted to do. I was definitely in a design funk. And then I stumbled on Vintage Revivals.
It was just the kick in the pants I needed to get back up and running; to remember that I didn't need big bucks to do big things. Mandi was also the first blogger I had ever emailed with a question. I didn't expect to get a response. She doesn't know me and has over a thousand followers (by the way, I could use some followers. Please? Okay, enough begging.), and I basically thought she'd just ignore me. But she didn't. She sent me a really nice response. 
I'm just smitten with lots of her projects. I was probably most inspired by her "Seizure Wall," and you have to just go read the whole story on that one, including how Mandi has since changed it. It wasn't so much that I liked that wall and wished to copy it, as it reminded me how much impact I could have with just a little bit. It also inspired me to add visual and real texture to my house. Which is part of what motivated me to discover my Sharpie Solution, and which has inspired my burlap project (still to come) on my own tv wall. 
So, if you are like me and you stumble around the internet looking for inspiration, Vintage Revivals has to be one of your stops. 

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