
Monday, April 2, 2012


Our room layout wasn't working for us. Matt and I are both clutter-y people and a bit lazy. But I can't stand messes, so I'm always trying to come up with new organizational tricks that help out while just working with who we actually are.

Remember when there were all those organizing shows on TV awhile back? Yeah, I love organizing, but no matter how great a system is, if you have to completely change, it's never going to last.

 We needed  hooks for clothes, and the old layout didn't allow for it, so clothes were left wherever, just looking messy. The truth, when I wear a pair of pants to church for a couple hours, or when I wear a pair of jeans, I'm not going to wash them right away (it's really hard on your clothes), but I'm too lazy to put them away too. So, many years ago I realized hooks were the way to go.

So all that over-sharing was leading up to switching the bedroom around. We were worried that furniture might only fit well the way it was, so here's a little trick if you want to move furniture without moving it.

Make a scale drawing of the room and cut out scaled paper models for the furniture. Then you can rearrange the room to your heart's content without any heavy lifting.

Occasionally I think an arrangement works on paper and then I don't like it in real life, but overall it's a nice little helper. Plus the kids will be entertained for quite awhile too. :)

In this case, it worked out really well.

We actually like it better. We have our hooks now.

The spacing is a little tight between the dresser and the bed, but it's not bad at all. The drawers can still open fully and I can walk normally through the space.

(Tight spaces don't cause much fuss for us. In Boston, we had an apartment with a long, skinny bathroom and you had to turn sideways and shuffle past the tub to get to the toilet.)

I keep debating about whether to make an upholstered headboard or a wood-slat headboard. One day I'll decide and get 'er done. I know exactly what I want for new bedding...I saw it two years ago...and of course I can't find it now! So, I'm just waiting to find something I love.

(Please note how messy Matt's dresser is. Yeah, there is no hope. I've been trying for 11+ years now. Really, I've given up and just come to terms with it. It's who he is.) :)

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1 comment:

  1. I looooove hooks. I am obsessed with them in the bathroom since you don't have to worry about people hanging towels nicely. I also have some hooks on the back of the door for my PJs and lightly worn clothes. Praise the hooks!!


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