
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Art Adventure: Smush Painting

Ever see those Rorschach tests? This is kind of like that. We'll have the kids smush paint into blots and then they can add details to make it look like what they see in their imagination.

Smush Painting

  • paint, preferrably washable, we used fingerpaints
  • paper, large or small, your choice
  • markers

Start by folding the paper in half.
On one side squirt blobs of paint. You can either have your child do this themselves or if they can't, just have them tell you where they want each color.

Have your child fold the paper over and smush and rub as much as they want.
Open the paper back up and talk about what it looks like to them.

For the next part, you can barrel ahead, but it helps to let it dry. If your child is like mine, he or she may realize that this is really close to fingerpainting.
So, that's what we did while we waited. (And, I grabbed my hairdryer to help the drying process.)

Then get out some markers and have your child add the details as many or few as they want. Chi was a minimalist today, I guess.

That's okay. Remember we are all about enjoying the process more than we are worried about the final outcome.

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Your turn! What's on your mind?