
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Art Adventure: Parchment Paper

I've loved doing this project since I was a little kid myself. I thought with Thanksgiving this week it was the perfect time to make your own paper look old. Maybe recreate the Mayflower Compact? :)

"Old" Parchment Paper
  • white paper, like copy paper
  • tea bags
  • oven
  • lighter

To prep, take a tea bag and strip off all the paper and string and then soak in a small dish of water. And preheat the oven to 200 degrees F.

Take a piece of paper and crumple it a bit. Then smooth it back out.

Next, squeeze excess water out of the tea bag and rub the tea bag all over the paper, dipping back into the water if necessary.

Once the whole paper is stained, place directly on the rack of the oven. It will take about 3-5 min. to completely dry out depending on how wet the paper is.

Take it out of the oven and either keep it as it is, or

burn the edges for a really worn look. Obviously this a parent/adult part!

Use a lighter to burn just a small portion at a time. Once the paper lights, be prepared to start blowing it out. My seven year old could help blowing out the fire.

Then the paper is done. It's time to let your child's imagination run wild.

Maybe an old letter? Or a treasure map?

X marks the spot.

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