
Monday, October 10, 2011

Deck the Porch

Time for the requisite Halloween decorations. Halloween isn't my favorite. I don't care for horror movies, so I get to spend an entire month dodging horror movie commercials. Ugh.

I do like making costumes for the kids. And candy is pretty great even if it's crazy expensive anymore.

And I love pumpkins, so we went to the pumpkin farm and loaded up. The family's favorite part is the trebuchet they use to launch giant pumpkins wicked far and they smash in an amazing explosion. :)

That is a blue pumpkin on the hay bale. Or straw? What's the difference again?

We also got many of the cute little mini pumpkins, technically gourds. I only put a few outside.(The squirrels will eat them.)

So, I may not be in love with Halloween, but this autumn goodness makes me happy.

This post may be linked at the following parties (for their Blog Buttons see my Link Love page): (M) C.R.A.F.T., Amaze Me Monday, Sumo's Sweet Stuff,  (T) A Little Birdie Told Me  Stories of A to Z, The Blackberry Vine, How To's Day , Type A, Amaze Me August, , Show Me What Ya Got,  (W) Wow MeBlue Cricket Design, What I Whipped UpWicked Awesome Wednesday, Sweet Peas & Bumblebees (TH)   Creative Juice, Thrifty 101 , Smilemonsters , Everything But the Kitchen Sink, Shabby Chic Cottage, Thrifty Thursdays, House of Hepworth's,  (F) Fingerprints on the Fridge, Furniture Feature Friday,  Lovely Crafty Weekend , Remodelaholic, For the Kids Fridays, , Craft Goodies, (Sat) Tatertots and Jello , Anything Goes , Funky Junk Interiors (Sun) Creative Blog & Hop, Sundae Scoop, Under the Table and Dreaming



  1. We also visited the pumpkin farm this weekend. I wish ours launched pumpkins!! Your mums are really pretty.

  2. Would LOVE it if you would link this up at my turquoise lovin' party going on right now!!

  3. I brought one of these blue beauties home from the patch. I'm looking forward to saving the seeds and trying to grow some among my perennials next year.

  4. Very cute! I agree with you... not really a lover of Hween decor, but I love the fall stuff! I usually have to turn my head during the up close CSI grody scenes! :) My hubby on the other hand couldn't get enough of the gore, except when it comes to scenes of a baby just after being born! He literally was turning his head the other day during Parenthood! So crazy!
    We just went to a Pumpkin Patch the other day and the guy explained that hay is just dried grass and straw is part of a corn stalk. :) fyi!

  5. Renee, That's hilarious about you and your husband. Opposites attract, right? :) Good to know about the hay and straw. Thanks for sharing.

    Cristy, we got a blue gourd last year and tried to grow it from the seeds and it didn't take. My husband is determined that next year he will get the seeds from this pumpkin to grow. :) I hope it works for you!

  6. Watching a trebuchet is so fun! I've seen one on tv only. The blue pumpkin is cool! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!


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