
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pinterest to the rescue!

So, I really thought we were going to need to go out and buy a new dishwasher. My first clue was the fact that after a cleaning cycle, the dishes were coming out completely dirty.

I was not happy about this. We plan to upgrade our appliances someday, but it was a bit down on the list. And, we just bought Karl (our sofa). I didn't need another big expense. Grr.

But, after seeing a bunch of "fix your dishwasher" pins on Pinterest, I looked up a couple of the sites and figured it was worth a shot. We mainly went by The Family Handyman.

Apparently, the filters, float, and spray nozzles all get clogged. Did you know this? 

I have never before cleaned a dishwasher like this. Okay, let's be honest. I don't like gunk. I made Matt clean it. :) Pretty sure there was something about gross gunk cleaning in his vows.

It's like magic. I kid you not. My dishes are coming clean again! Having Matt clean all that out is going on the spring cleaning list. So, if you dishwasher is not cleaning well, seriously, try cleaning it first.

I wonder, now, how many people throw out their dishwasher without ever realizing it just needed to be cleaned? 

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  1. Finally, Pinterest is useful for more than just wasting several hours! I'm glad you were able to fix this easily!

  2. I was so excited to see this on pinterest too!

  3. Also... if you live in a hard water area... it is common knowledge to clean your coffee maker with vinegar... but it is also a good idea to clean your dishwasher with vinegar!! It get all that built up calcium out of the dishwasher. :)

    I'm glad you found an 'easy' fix for the dishwasher!

  4. Same with vacuum cleaners. Sometimes all they need is a new belt. Much cheaper than a new vacuum.

  5. Thanks for sharing this info. I never realized you could take it apart like that & clean it. I do know you need to clean behind the rubber gasket periodically because stuff gets caught kind of in the folds of the rubber. That's true for a front-loading washing machine, too. Both can get kind of yucky!

  6. I'm passing this on to my mom and to my friends!! Thanks for sharing your great dishwasher tips at the Tuesday To Do Party!

  7. I, too, saw some tutorials making the rounds on Pinterest and printed out the same one. I've been procrastinating, unsure if it would actually work, but you have me completely convinced. Thank you so much for giving me the encouragement I needed to get our dishwasher back in good order!


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