
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don't know just what to do with myself...

Confession. I always hear that line (from the title) in Cameron Diaz's horrible singing from My Best Friend's Wedding. Aren't you glad I put that in your head?
Moving on. I scored these mason jars this summer.

But I haven't done anything with them.

Here's my dilemma. I love them as they are. I don't have a single use for them, and I feel like a good DIYer would find something clever to do with them, but sometimes I just love something for exactly what it is.

They have the glass lids and I don't have a single idea where I could keep the lids on, and that's probably the coolest part. Two of the three are blue glass as well.

Does this ever happen to you? Do you ever find something and you know you have no use for it as is, but you also can't bear to alter it?

So, give me advice people! If you were me, what would you do? Or what have you done. It's not a true link party, but feel free to post a url in the comments if you want us to check out your project.

This post may be linked at the following parties (for their Blog Buttons see my Link Love page): (M) C.R.A.F.T., Amaze Me Monday, Sumo's Sweet Stuff,  (T) A Little Birdie Told Me  Stories of A to Z, The Blackberry Vine, How To's Day , Type A, Amaze Me August, , Show Me What Ya Got,  (W) Wow MeBlue Cricket Design, What I Whipped UpWicked Awesome Wednesday, Sweet Peas & Bumblebees (TH)   Creative Juice, Thrifty 101 , Smilemonsters , Everything But the Kitchen Sink, Shabby Chic Cottage, Thrifty Thursdays, House of Hepworth's,  (F) Fingerprints on the Fridge, Furniture Feature Friday,  Lovely Crafty Weekend , Remodelaholic, For the Kids Fridays, , Craft Goodies, (Sat) Tatertots and Jello , Anything Goes , Funky Junk Interiors (Sun) Creative Blog & Hop, Sundae Scoop, Under the Table and Dreaming


  1. i have those and i fill them with shucked corn, nuts and birdseed. whatever else like that and put outside on a ledge with other fall deco. i usually put fake leaves along underneath the jars. they hold leaves in place of course. it actually looks really neat. then when ready for Christmas i give to birds, squirrels.

  2. I have used them to make mini-terrariums. There is a tutorial on how to back a few months on my blog. I also have one filled with my buttons in the studio. I think they make super cute candle holders, with lid hanging off the side. If you find a bunch of them hang them somewhere with a string of white lights, three lights per jar. I tihnk they make sweet vases for wildflowers. The list is endless....

  3. Fantastic! I love these. I've got a few displayed on the ledge above my stove. Mine are empty. I've also got a few with filled with buttons in the laundry room. Thanks for sharing.

    Now Following! I hope you'll follow me back and help me reach my goal of 1,000 followers by the end of the year!!!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  4. Hi! I found you from "A Little Birdie Told Me" These are such cute jars, I am like that too, save things and not sure what to do with them. What about homemade cocoa mix, or bath salts?

  5. Use them for vases, put single letters printed on white paper in them to form a word, fill them with buttons, shells, gravel, beads, pencils, kitchen utensils. There are tons of things, or...just love them the way they are! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  6. I love old canning jars, too. I have a bunch just on display above my kitchen counters. On one of them I added some lace and a tag that I's the link. Feel free to check it out if you have time.

  7. I think the jars are perfectly lovely on their own, but if you decide to fill them with something seasonal this Autumn, Babble just did a feature on miniatures in which they featured the cutest little mini graveyard scenes inside jars. I can also see the jars being beautiful year-round vessels for a seashell collection.

    Thank you so much for linking up to "A Little Birdie Told Me...". I love that LinkyTools is now allowing the host to see how many hits each post is getting. I can tell you that yours was a big hit!


  8. My cousin sister was found your blog and I saw that it is really impressive as well as great for getting a new ideas. It is very coolest and spectacular idea.


Your turn! What's on your mind?