
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This week holds two milestones for Domesticated Nomad. First, on Sunday I reached 100 followers. And yesterday was my 100th post. Uber happy!

To be honest, I don't know what to do to celebrate. I thought about an advice post, but really, I don't know that I have advice to give. I can't do a great big reveal because nothing seems to be complete at the moment (and grr, but another story). I don't have anything to give away.

So, I've decided rather than me figuring out what you want to hear, I will let you ask questions. Ask anything you want; blogging questions, project questions, how to use Pinterest (if you need an invite, let me know) can even ask personal questions. Whatever. Or don't. I don't know if anyone will ask anything...


  1. I just found your blog. Looks like a lot of fun here. I also liked your re-vamped chair.
    Congrats on the 100 mile stone.

  2. I just started a blog and I wouldn't mind a little advice, but I don't have specific questions in mind.

  3. those 100's feel good before u know it it will b 200's!


Your turn! What's on your mind?