
Monday, June 27, 2011

Dose of Inspiration

Another Monday and I need a kick in the pants to get moving on some projects! Lots of stuff sitting and waiting for some action. I need a dose of inspiration. Today I will turn to Not Just a Housewife.
I have been wanting to do something to some ceilings forever! When your project list is so long and there is nothing wrong with the ceilings, it's tough to move that to the top of the list. But look at what Stacy did:
I love the stenciled ceiling! I'm not even big on damask, but I would move into that room in a heartbeat. Wouldn't that be awkward? Man, she makes me look completely lazy!
Her little desk redo is fantastic.
I just scored a desk off Craigslist, finally! I love her dark stain, but I may be painting mine. I will be starting this project this week for sure. Keep your fingers crossed for some before and afters by the end of the week.
I've been wanting a few new lamps. Check this one out:
Can you believe she made that? I love it. It is so simple, I just may have to do this. Gabe's crazy uncle lamp needs replacing and this would be awesome. I've always wanted to make a lamp. 
All right. It's time for me to go do something myself! Go visit Stacy, she'd love to have you. :) 


  1. Stenciling the ceiling is such a cool idea. If weren't renting with this gross cottage cheese ceiling I would totally try that out :)


Your turn! What's on your mind?