
Saturday, May 28, 2011


"Success! Success! They've done it! They've done it!" Know that movie? No? Perhaps you are lucky. That is from the original Batman Movie with Adam West and all its campy glory.

I have a movie quote for almost anything.
We finally finished the sunken sandbox. I am totally in love and the boys hopped in immediately and have been there ever since. Bliss all around.

It started awhile back. We had the idea, actually I think Matt's mom suggested it, to have a large sandbox sunk into the ground. To do it, we would use a kiddie pool. We bought the pool last summer.

We started digging the hole in April.
The boys were most helpful.

Then we had rain. And then we had rain. And then, well, you get the idea. Between rain and other things in life, not much was happening.
Poor sad little sandbox.

But this weekend we finally got 'er done!
Even our neighbor hopped in for the fun right away. :)

We still have a long way to go for the overall yard,
but this is worth hours of entertainment. 
Woo Hoo!

(In case you want to know, we added 400 lbs. of play sand and are just short of halfway full. We are probably going to add 200 lbs. more. We don't want more than half full because we are trying to keep most of the sand in the box.)


  1. What a great idea. I've got two of these pools...perhaps I could convince the hubby to do some diggin'

  2. That's a great idea! Our two grandsons will love it. do I cover it/ or keep the cats out of it? :)

  3. Good question, Laurie. Matt is going to build a wood cover with handles so we can cover it at night. For now we are using a tarp staked down as a temporary measure.

  4. Matt: The HusbandMay 31, 2011 at 1:16 PM

    I'm actually thinking a wood frame with a canvas covering. That way I can sort of dome or peak the middle so rain runs off to the sides.

  5. I do the same thing, but fill it with water for my dog to play in and cool off. Great idea, thanks for sharing:)

  6. Awesome idea! I've been trying to figure out how to make a sandbox for my boy.

  7. How fun! It's so much bigger than those turtle sandboxes. Great idea!

  8. Cool idea! Reminds me of the in ground trampolines.

  9. Neat idea. Do you have some kind of cover for it? (I find if I don't cover mine, neighbourhood cats... well you know)
    Great job!

  10. What a clever idea!! Thanks for sharing at the Tuesday To Do Party! Can't wait to see wait you share next!

  11. I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.

    Come strut your stuff.

  12. Thank you for linking up to Bacon Time. For the first party it was a huge success with over 300 links. I am going to have a special give away next week just for linkers. Thanks for grabbing the button too!

  13. That is so cute! Super clever and so much fun!:-)


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