
Full Disclosure

I am not what you would call an “expert” on any of the topics covered in this blog. I am simply showing you how I (or my husband and I) have accomplished our projects. I do not claim this will work for everyone. We often “macgyver” things and hope they work and then share that with you. Sometimes it doesn't work and I share that too. The only postings that I have more expertise in are the Art Adventures as I was an art teacher; I worked with preschool through middle school students in various art forms. I developed my own classes in general arts and crafts, drawing, painting, stained glass, sculpture, art history and pottery.

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. Domesticated Nomad accepts forms of cash advertising, paid insertions, sponsorships or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. I am not compensated to provide opinions on products or services, websites or other topics. Should I be compensated in anyway to discuss a product or service I will clearly state that within the post. This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.