
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Teacher Presents

Tap. Tap. Tap. Is this thing on?
Awesome. It's great to be back. :)

So, I realize this is much too late for this year, but given the wonderfulness that is Pinterest, I figure this is something that you can pin for next year.

I don't know about you, but teacher gifts for my kids are a bit tricky. Between the two of them I needed 9 gifts. Yeow-zah! Each December the blogosphere erupts with former teachers pleading for us to think past cookies, candies, and candles. I appreciate the sentiment, but when you have 9 gifts to buy, gift cards start to get super pricey!

So, I conducted a super un-scientific poll of my teacher friends (of which I have a lot actually) on facebook. They unanimously approved this gift idea. (We've been doing this several years, and Gabe's teachers are either excellent liars or they really love this.)

Each year we bake bread. It gets away from the sweet treats and is more versatile, we think. We always make a mini french baguette and a mini loaf of quick bread. We change that one up with things such as strawberry bread, pumpkin bread, coconut lime banana bread...

The quick bread is left in a disposable mini loaf pan and wrapped in plastic wrap.

The baguettes are wrapped in tissue paper. Do NOT - I repeat - Do Not wrap good baguettes in plastic or you will ruin the texture.

Then I use a tea towel. I just grab these at the Dollar Store or on a clearance sale.

I lay out the towel, place the breads together and wrap the towel around.

Then I tie it together with ribbon. I also slide a homemade tag on the ribbon which has holiday wishes and a little info about the breads, and of course, who it is from.

Teachers love anything your child brings. It really is the thought that counts. And, just a teeny bit of effort on the presentation makes the gift seem extra-special.